Current Members
Liz is a fine art photographer specialising in cameraless photography. Her work often focuses on found objects, sculptural interventions and socially engaged practices.
Lee Murphy
Lee is a founder of The Gate Darkroom. Eventually scratched the itch of ‘doing photography’ nine years ago at London College of Communication, thanks to the kind of accessible further learning courses that generally don’t exist anymore.
David Whiting
David works mostly in urban, architectural & landscape contexts with an emphasis on the reflective and contemplative. His work is darkroom-based having completed a course in darkroom photography at the London College of Communication in 2009. David is one of the founder members of the Gate Darkroom.
Sarah Garrod
Sarah is based in Greenwich and is a Portrait and Fine Art Photographer working with film, digital and multimedia. Specialist areas: Lith Printing (trained with Tim Rudman), Liquid Emulsion, Cyanotype, Workshops.
Sarah’s work has been exhibited and sold in galleries from Whitechapel to Spain. Themes: Ecology, Loss, Death, Beauty, Science.
Molly Behagg
Molly uses photography to explore the process of making as a way of inhabiting unfamiliar settings. The material elements of colour, light, and space, form starting points for personal and fictional narratives that create connections between disparate places. Recent exhibitions include: Lumen: School of Light, 2017, Obsolete and Discontinued Schaelpic PhotoKunstBar Cologne, 2016-17 and No Maps for What we Know, UrbanPhotoFest 2017.
Carô Gervay
Carô Gervay practises photography playfully and meditatively. She started her career through building her first darkroom in the cellar of the pub where she was working when she moved to London in the 2000s. She has an interest in challenging the norms of who is doing photography and how we are doing it. She is particularly interested in collectively reframing and responding to the cultural ruptures affecting diaspora communities, in her case as a French woman of Vietnamese heritage who migrated to the UK.
She is co-director at Gate Darkroom and is currently taking part in the TRACE Mentorship Programme 2022-2023, supporting women photographers over 35yo. She was previously an associate artist of Asia-Art-Activism research network (2018-2022).
David Alexander-Watts
David Alexander-Watts has been taking photographs and producing prints for over thirty years
Giulia Paci
Rachel Louise Brown
Rachel Louise Brown is a fine artist whose photographs explore the imaginary, the unfamiliar, performance and constructed realities.
Jonathan Blower
Jonathan has been taking pictures and making prints since he was a boy. He sees analogue photography as a process of close observation. His photographs tend to be urban, architectural and/or botanical. He lives in south east London.
Carita Silander
If anything, my work is about distance from the world. In order to see more clearly, we must often take a step back. Now, on the outside, we are able to perceive. The tragedy of it is that we cannot reach what we see but stay on the outside, looking in. The same tragedy is at the heart of photography, for the world remains separate and unknown, and cannot be contained within a photograph, despite its apparent truthfulness to nature. It is this strangeness, of both our existence and the world, that is at the heart of my work.
I am a Finnish photographer and a writer, based in Greenwich, London. I work solely with analogue processes, with various camera formats and often include my writing alongside my photographs.
Instagram @caritasilander
Former members and friends of the Gate
Sarah Ainslie
Sarah has worked as a photographer in the east end of London over many years. Whether it is personal work or facilitating projects in the community this area is a source of inspiration and fascination. It is the in-between spaces in London’s periphery that have become an ongoing project, those urban edges that weave through a landscape of buildings, water, industry, open land, imbued with abandoned furniture and the collective traces of humans and their lives. She is also working on a body of work that uses personal archival photographs to investigate a family’s hidden secrets. Sarah has been curating exhibitions with the Gate Darkroom over a number of years.
Diyou Yu
Originally from a small town in the southeastern part of China, Diyou Yu is the third generation after the cultural revolution in China. Diyou's practice explores a longing to find a language to express individuality, reaching a broader connection with the surroundings of living. Hacking the personal past experience is an on-going goal of Diyou’s exploration as a living being.
Diyou’s work has been exploring the balance between change and stillness, each piece of making is a referent to the standpoint of herself that time among the flux. Nature remains unfailing inspirations for initiating her work, it is also where she finds temporary refuges away from the conditioned mindsets.
Martin Freeman
Martin is a south west London photographer specialising in film photography as well as digital and experimental processes.
He is a landscape and wildlife photographer, inspired by trips to remote, and often bleak, locations.
His work focuses on capturing geometry, light and a sense of space within nature.
Vicky Falconer
My current work uses lens-based imagery, text and installation to explore the interwoven relationship between interiority and exteriority (as both physical and mental space), and its parallel in our encounters with vegetal life. I am increasingly interested in the crossovers between creative practice, gardening, and mental health/psychology. I am interested in analogue, alternative and digital photographic processes.
Alex Stone
I am inspired by both the physicality of the photograph and the qualities of photographic print.
Experimenting with different materials and camera-less techniques, with the aim of bringing a sculptural element to my work.
Central themes within my practice are isolation, escapism and the environment within which we exist.
George Booth-Cole
George Booth-Cole is a documentary photographer born and based in South East London, He has published many zines and currently exhibiting at Process Supplies in Clerkenwall
Rokas Juozapavicius
Documenting human experience and it’s manifestation in different ways is the main focus of my practice. That be through extreme sports and human connection with nature or everyday life moments that perhaps might seem uninteresting.
My current project that I have been working on over the last few months. Focuses on documenting the civil unrest that is taking place in the capital of France, Paris.